Welcome to our Submission page

Please read the Submission Requirements below before submitting your image, as any requirements that are not met, may result in your image not being accepted.

— Good Luck! ;)

Submissions Requirements:

Image + Link

  1. Every submission must include an image of your own artwork, without any copyrights infringements. Please also be sure to not include any commercial content, brands or sponsors within the image.
  2. Resize/crop your image to a width of 85mm and a height of 125mm at 300 ppi (or in pixels, at least: 1004 × 1476), without any blank spaces on all four sides.
  3. Please note that every image must be in portrait orientation, adjust it or crop it (without stretching it) to fill the entire image-area mentioned above.
  4. Save the image as JPG (or JPEG) at the best possible quality.
  5. Rename your file as the link to your online portfolio, website or Instagram’s profile (including ‘www.’ for a web-page or the ‘@’ symbol for Instagram) — do not name the file with both website and instagram’s profile — just pick one.
  6. If you are submitting more than one image, feel free to include a number in parenthesis after your link or your Instagram’s profile name, before the ‘.jpg’ extension, as shown in the examples below:
  7. www.yourlink.com(1).jpg
  8. www.yourlink.com(2).jpg
  9. www.yourlink.com(3).jpg
  10. etc.
  11. — or —
  12. @yourtag(1).jpg
  13. @yourtag(2).jpg
  14. @yourtag(3).jpg
  15. etc.

Below are two possible examples of how the files should be named and formatted.





Email us your image by clicking on (or using) the email address below.


Please feel free to contact us if you’d like any support or have any questions.